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股票杠杆账户 0105 Frozen and Alder Cay|一次性拥有两座可拎包入住的热带小岛 发布日期:2024-08-05 21:52    点击次数:196

股票杠杆账户 0105 Frozen and Alder Cay|一次性拥有两座可拎包入住的热带小岛


关注「岛鸣国际 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


如果你在寻找一个绝无仅有的度假胜地,不妨考虑一次性拥有两座可拎包入住的热带小岛——Frozen and Alder Cay。

If you are looking for a truly unique vacation destination, consider owning two turnkey tropical islands – Frozen and Alder Cay.

Frozen and Alder Cay位于巴哈马贝里群岛中心,距离拿骚西北35英里,可通过私人船只或水上飞机轻松抵达。这两座岛屿总占地83英亩,周围环绕着原始的白色沙滩和清澈的绿松石海水,拥有宁静的海湾和未受破坏的珊瑚礁,是自然爱好者的天堂。这片郁郁葱葱的绿地还是天然的鸟类保护区。

Located at the heart of the Berry Islands in the Bahamas, 35 miles northwest of Nassau, Bahamas, Frozen and Alder Cay are easily accessible by private boat or seaplane. Spanning a total of 83 acres, these islands are surrounded by pristine white powder beaches and crystal-clear turquoise waters, offering tranquil bays and untouched coral reefs, making them a paradise for nature enthusiasts. Lush greenery also serves as a natural bird sanctuary.

Frozen Cay拥有一栋宽敞的住宅,占地4145平方英尺,配备六间卧室和六间浴室。住宅内设施齐全,包括现代化的厨房、两个步入式食品储藏室、洗衣房、办公室以及充足的存储空间。所有主要房间均通向门廊和露台,让你尽情享受壮丽的海滨景色。住宅旁的温水游泳池也为你提供了额外的休闲空间。岛上还设有一栋806平方英尺的管理员小屋、一栋1534平方英尺的员工住所以及一个可容纳100英尺长游艇的最先进码头。

Frozen Cay features a spacious residence spanning 4,145 square feet with six bedrooms and six bathrooms. The house boasts modern amenities including a state-of-the-art kitchen, two walk-in pantries, a laundry room, an office, and ample storage space. All main rooms open onto porches and terraces, allowing you to fully enjoy magnificent seaside views. Adjacent to the residence is a heated swimming pool for additional leisure. The island also includes an 806-square-foot manager's cottage, a 1,534-square-foot staff residence, and a state-of-the-art marina that can accommodate 100 foot long yachts.

Alder Cay则提供两个独立的住宅,共有三间卧室和两个浴室。该岛包括一个5英亩的受保护泻湖,两个码头和一个复式员工住宅。岛上还有一个有7个独立单元的钓鱼向导营地,一个公共生活和用餐区,确保你在这里享受舒适的岛屿生活。

Alder Cay offers two separate residences with a total of three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The island features a 5-acre protected mangrove lake, two docks, and a duplex staff housing. Additionally, there is a fishing guide camp with seven individual units, a communal living and dining area, ensuring a comfortable island lifestyle.


Both islands are completely self sufficient with comprehensive utility and communication systems. The service building houses two diesel generators, fuel tanks, freshwater production facilities, and water cisterns, ensuring comfort and convenience. Here, you can indulge in swimming, water skiing, windsurfing, and fishing, among other water activities, enjoying new adventures in this tropical paradise every day.

Frozen and Alder Cay目前正在出售中,售价为2500万美金。如有兴趣,欢迎私信咨询。

Frozen and Alder Cay is currently on sale for $25 million. If you are interested, feel free to send your inquiry.


Thanks for your time. Until next time!



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